‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ to be premiered in November
‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ will premiere in November. This film is produced by Sonia Friedman Productions, Colin Callender and Harry Potter Theatrical Productions.
The story takes place after 19 years of journey of Harry, Ron and Hermione after they saved the wizard World, when a new generation of kids started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Recently, Friedman and Callender announced,”We are delighted to announce that Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which since its triumphant opening in New York and San Francisco has seen record breaking numbers of people spellbound by the wizardry on stage, will be returning in North America in a new, re-imagined version that audiences can see in one afternoon or evening.”
The story is based on the original story by J.K Rowling, written by Jack Throne and directed by John Tiffany. The show will premiere on November 16th in New Work City at Broadway’s Lyric Theatre. In Canada, it will premiere on May at Ed Mirvish Theatre in Toronto.